Field of usage
Crop | Dose rate, l/ha | Pest | Terms of application | Waiting period/multiplicity of treatments |
Apple | 0,15 | Codling moth, leaf rollers | Pre-flowering and post-flowering treatments during the growing season | 30/ 2 |
Wheat | 0,05-0,08 | Shield-backed bugs, aphid, wheat thrips, oat leaf beetle | Processing during the growing season | 30/ 2 |
Rape | 0,08 | Rapeseed beetle, blue flea, weevil | Pre-flowering and post-flowering treatments during the growing season | 30/ 2 |
Best Turbo S 200, SC can be used in tank mixtures with other products. Test for chemical compatibility when preparing a mixture. The product is not compatible with products that have alkaline properties.
• the maximum effectiveness of the product is observed at temperatures from +10°С до +20°С. Raising of temperature reduces effectiveness of the insecticide;
• most effective to use early in the morning or in the evening. Condensed moisture on the surface of plants, as well as rain in 3 hours after application can significantly reduce the effectiveness of the product;
• do not apply during flowering and in places of active bees fly, as the product is toxic for bees.
• a volume of working solution is 150 – 250 l/ha;
• in order to prevent the occurrence of resistance, to prolong the protective effect, it is recommended to use tank mixtures with organophosphorus insecticides or imidacloprid.
• double concentration of the active ingredient – the most economical dose rate;
• has instant eradicative effect on the problem and specific pests;
• effective at all stages of insects’ morphosis;
• the duration of the protective effect is 7-21 days;
• if following the recommended dose rates it is safe for mammals and birds. Due to the low dose rates, the product does not migrate into the soil and does not get into the ground water.