The Field Day in Kirovograd 29.06.2016
On June 29, 2016 in Kirovograd “TerraVita Ukraine” LLC and Kirovograd State Agricultural Experimental Station of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine held the Field Day” Plant protection from “TerraVita Ukraine” LLC in technologies of crops growing in terms of risky agriculture.”
Among the guests and participants of the Field day were heads and specialists of agricultural agricultural enterprises from Kirovohrad, Cherkasy, Mykolayiv, Poltava, Zaporizhzhya, Dnipropetrovsk, Kharkiv, Khmelnytsky regions, managers of distributors’ companies “Service-Ahropivden” LLC, “Agrokhimichnyi zahyst” LLC, SPE Firm “Eridon”, “Ukrainian Agrochemical company” LLC, “Agrokhimcentre” LLC, “Spektr-Agro” LLC, “Imperiya Agro” LLC , “Torgovyi Dim Nasinnya” LLC…
Executive director of “TerraVita Ukraine” Irina Igasheva and Semenyaka Igor welcomed the participants and opened the Field Day.
Regional representative of “TerraVita Ukraine” Vladimir Kurtsev introduced the company’s portfolio which includes a wide range of plant protection products, micronutrients, plant growth regulators.
After getting acquainted with the products of the company, the participants took part in a quiz on knowledge of the company’s products, 10 winners were presented with gifts, products and souvenirs from the company.
On the field in Sozonovka village Kirovograd region participants had the opportunity to see the results of usage different plant protection products from “TerraVita Ukraine” LLC in the technology of growing corn, soybeans, winter wheat and barley, spring barley, sunflower.
At the demonstration field regional manager of “TerraVita Ukraine” Vladimir Kurtsev presented to the participants the innovations in crop protection systems. Participants assured themselves in the effectiveness of plant protection products used on different crops.
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Pre-sowing usage of the soil herbicide Pioneer 900 EC (acetohlor, 900 g/l) at dose rate – 2.5 l/ha provided effective long-term protection (40-50 days) on weeds in crops of corn, soybeans, sunflower;
The use of innovative herbicide for sunflowers RONDOS 750 WG – 30 g/ha (etametsulfuron-methyl 750 g/kg), together with SAM Maxium – 300 ml/ha provided protection of crops from various weeds which were in large numbers in rainy conditions this year and could lead to significant inhibition of sunflower plants;
Application of the fungicide TAFFIN 320 SC (cyprokonazole, 120 g /l + azoxystrobin, 200 g/l) – 0.8 l/ha, in the phase of 6-8 leaves of sunflower, at an early stage of disease, provided protection from most diseases – peronosporosis and Alternaria.
In efficiency of the fungicideTAFFIN 320 SC the participants made sure after examining control sowing where is a significant suppression of plant by diseases and the loss of more than 40% of the plants from destruction by peronosporosis;
In soybean sown after winter wheat was very effective the application of graminicide Bakkard 125 EC (quiizalop-P-ethyl 120 g/l) – 0,8 l/ha and TOPLANZ 240 EC (cletodym, 240 g/l) – 0.7 l/ha of SAM Stuff – 1.2 l/ha, which provided complete protection of crops from weeds and grass windfall wheat.
The use of the herbicide Thefey 642 WG (rimsulfuron, 32.5 g/kg + dicamba, 609 g/kg) – 310 g/ha on corn provided the effectiveness against weeds at 98%.
In a friendly conversation participants and organizators of the Field Day exchanged practical experiences and impressions.