A systemic fungicide with preventive and curative action and with perfectly expressed stop-effect.

Active ingredient:

triadimenol, 250 g/l


emulsifiable concentrate


1 L, 5 L, 10 L, 20 L

Mode of action:

affected areas of the leaf become necrotic after the treatment, and exposed to further partial regeneration, or are replaced by the cortical tissue, which ensures further normal vegetation of the whole plant.


Crop Dose rate, l/ha Disease Terms of application Safety period / number of treatments
Apple0,4 – 0,5Oidium (Podosphaera leucotricha) Spraying during the vegetation period30 / 2 – 3
Grape0,4 – 0,5 Oidium (Uncinula necator)40 / 3 – 4
Wheat0,5 – 0,6 Ear blight (Fusarium spp.), brown rust of wheat (Puccinia spp.), powdery mildew (Erysiphe graminis), Helminthosporium blight and fusarium rot (Helminthosporium spp.)20/(1-2)


Check the products for compatibility in each case.


The best effect is achieved by carrying out preventive treatments. The dose rate of working solution and hectare dose depend on the phase of crop development and degree of disease development. Minimum doses are used at low infectious background, and at the beginning of the growing season, the maximum – with the full development of the leaf surface or a highly infectious background. The treatments are most effective at the beginning of the growing season, as well as the first signs of a disease. To achieve a better control an interval between treatments should not be greater than 12-14 days or in alternation with contact fungicides at the same interval of treatments. The duration of the protective effect is 10-12 days, in the conditions of epiphytotic infection – 8-10 days, the curative effect within 3-4 days. Because all triazoles inhibit only one specific enzyme in plant, pathogens may experience resistance to them.

To avoid the resistance of pathogens, it is necessary to observe the following recommendations:

  • avoid repeated treatments with triazoles without using fungicides with other mechanisms of action, especially in case of strong spread of disease and against diseases with short cycle of reproductive development (such as rust);
  • when multiple treatments are needed, treatment with triazoles should alternate with fungicides of other mechanisms of action, or use their tank mixtures;
  • if possibe use triazoles in the most early phases of phytopathogens life cycle. As some triazoles are highly efficient at early stages of disease development, you should not rely on treatments in the later terms;
  • reduction of the dose rates of the products significantly accelerates the development of resistance of plant pathogens and is not a good way to reduce costs.


  • reliable protection and normal vegetation of the leaf apparatus for 10 – 14 days, even in conditions of maximum infection load and adverse weather;
  • ability of the crop to recover after the partial destruction or previous untimely treatments.